Black Gold Farms Recognized for Environmental Stewardship Efforts

Black Gold Farms receives a CARES designation at the 22nd Annual Suwannee CARES Celebration on May 2, 2023. (L to R) Wilton Simpson (Commissioner of Agriculture), Dr. Andra Johnson (Dean of UF/IFAS Extension) and Director of the Florida Cooperative Extension), Thomas Ransom and Cody Darling (Black Gold Farms), Hugh Thomas (Executive Director of the Suwannee River Water Management District) and Jeb S. Smith (Florida Farm Bureau Federation President. - Photo: Florida Farm Bureau

By Rachael Smith

Last week, Tuesday, May 2, Black Gold Farms in Suwannee County was recognized by the Florida Farm Bureau Federation at the 22nd Annual Suwannee CARES celebration for exceptional environmental stewardship efforts on their farm. Thomas Ransom, farm manager, accepted the award on behalf of the farm.

Black Gold Farms grows and harvests over two thousand acres of potatoes, peanuts, corn and soybeans. The team at Black Gold utilizes soil moisture probes and injection metering pumps, which accurately deliver nutrients. These practices improve water quality and nutrient efficiency while the crop is growing. The farm has recently adopted a new method of growing potatoes that has reduced water usage by 30 percent.

“Florida’s farmers and ranchers answer the call to protect our environment while also producing a safe, affordable, and abundant food supply,” said Florida Farm Bureau President Jeb S. Smith. “Black Gold Farms implements practices that conserve water and nutrient use while improving soil health and water quality.

Florida Farm Bureau is proud to award them a personalized CARES sign to display on their farm that demonstrates their commitment to protecting Florida’s natural resources for future generations.”

The Florida Farm Bureau’s County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship (CARES) program has recognized Florida’s farmers and ranchers for preserving the state’s natural resources since 2001.

Florida Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general agricultural organization, represents more than 132,000 member-families. We serve to enhance farm enterprise and improve rural communities.