LCPD: Reminder; Pedestrian Safety Ordinance
By Sgt. Mike Lee, Public Information Officer
Lake City, Fla., - The City of Lake City passed Ordinance 2022-2220, effective in 2022, aimed at increasing the safety between pedestrians and vehicles, especially on Arterial Roadways in Lake City.
This ordinance came as a result of a traffic safety study presented to the council outlining the hazards pedestrians face when they interact with vehicles. This risk is most present along Lake City’s major roadways, and especially at intersections.
“By population, Lake City ranks as the 7th worst municipality in the State for Bicycle / Pedestrian crashes, and this ordinance is one step towards improving the safety of those walking along our roads,” said Lake City Police Chief Gerald Butler. “We will begin with an education and warning period, followed by enforcement.”
As a result of this ordinance, all direct interaction between pedestrians and operators or occupants of motor vehicles is prohibited on the travel portion of an Arterial Road or in a High Risk Intersection. This includes, but is not limited to, handing or delivering any object from a vehicle to a pedestrian or vice versa.
Arterial Roads in Lake City are defined as US Highways 90 (aka Duval St), 41 (aka Main Blvd), and 441 (aka Marion Ave), as well as State Road 10a (aka Baya Drive). High Risk Intersections are identified as any intersection on an Arterial Road which is controlled by a traffic control device, extending outward along the intersecting road for a distance of 200 yards.
All persons in violation of the ordinance are subject to enforcement, including both pedestrians and anyone inside a vehicle who interacts with a pedestrian, within High Risk Intersections and along Arterial Roads. The first and second offense will result in citations with fines of $100.00 / $175.00 plus court costs. Those who break the ordinance a third time commit a misdemeanor crime and are subject to arrest.
“We understand that as a side effect of this ordinance, for the sake of their own safety, those people seeking donations of any sort from the side of the road are unable to do so. Vehicles are welcome to pull off the road into a safe area such as a parking lot to interact with pedestrians,” said Chief Butler. “Or, better yet, put their donations to the best use by donating to the Florida Coalition to End Homelessness by dialing 2-1-1.”