City of Live Oak
Regular Monthly Council Meeting
Tuesday September 15, 2020 5:30 P.M.
Meeting called to order
Invocation followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
1) Approval of the Agenda with any additions, deletions or changes (motion to approve)
2) Public Comments (comments limited to 3 minutes) Notice: Speakers will be allowed to speak on items listed within this agenda following recognition by the Council President. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes each, so all who wish to speak will be provided an opportunity
3) Approval of the July 21st Special Called City Council meeting minutes, August 11th City Council monthly meeting minutes, and September 1st Special Called Council meeting minutes
4) Mayor Frank Davis – Matters of the City
5) City Council
6) City Manager, Ron Williams
A. Discussion with possible Council action, Final reading of Ordinance 1449 - An Ordinance of the City of Live Oak amending the rates for water tap, sewer tap and sewer service fees (open floor for public comment or questions)
B. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1455, an ordinance adopting the City of Live Oak FY 2020-21 millage rate (open floor for public comment or questions)
C. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1456, an ordinance adopting the City of Live Oak FY 2020-21 budget (open floor for public comment or questions)
D. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-17, a resolution ratifying the Mayor’s extension of the State of Emergency arising from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
E. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-18, a resolution declaring certain personal property owned by the City to be either surplus to its needs and sold at a publicly noticed sale or determined to be obsolete, non-serviceable, or beyond economic repair and authorizing the City to remove such surplus property when sold or disposed of from the fixed assets of the City
F. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-19, a resolution approving a lease term extension request of the Suwannee County Chamber of Commerce: authorizing the execution of the lease term extension
G. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-21, a resolution authorizing Suwannee Parks & Recreation to apply for two (2) Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) reimbursement grants for Baker Park and Azalea Park, up to 200,000 each, for park development/renovations
H. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-22, a resolution amending the City’s Section 125 Plan, relating to employee benefit choices, flexible spending accounts, and the creation of an opt-out program
I. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1450, an ordinance, amending the future land use classification to twenty or fewer acres of land (small scale) on the future land use plan map of the City of Live Oak Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to an application, CPA 20-2, by the property owner(s) and/or their authorized, designated representative, under the amendment procedures established in sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and article three of the land development regulations; providing for a change in the assigned future land use classifications of certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Live Oak, Florida, said areas lying North of U.S. Route 90 and East of U.S. Route 129 (open floor for public comment or questions)
J. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1451, an ordinance amending the future land use classification to twenty or fewer acres of land (small scale) on the Future Land Use Plan Map of the City of Live Oak Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to an application, CPA 20-4, by the property owner(s) and/or their authorized, designated representative, under the amendment procedures established in sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and article three of the land development regulations; providing for a change in the assigned future land use classification from Residential Moderate Density to: Conservation, on certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Live Oak, Florida (open floor for public comment or questions)
K. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1452, an ordinance amending the zoning district to 0.659 acres (mol) of land on the Official Zoning Atlas of the City of Live Oak Land Development Regulations, pursuant to an application, LDR 20-4, by the property owner(s) and/or their authorized, designated representative, under the amendment procedures established in article three of the land development regulations; providing for a change in the assigned zoning district from: Residential Single-Family – Two (RSF-2) to: Conservation (CSV), of certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Live Oak, Florida (open floor for public comment or questions)
L. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1453 , an ordinance amending the zoning district to 2.02 acres (mol) of land on the Official Zoning Atlas of the City of Live Oak Land Development Regulations, pursuant to an application, LDR 20-6, by the property owner(s) and/or their authorized, designated representative, under the amendment procedures established in article three of the land development regulations; providing for a change in the assigned zoning district from: [County] Commercial – Intensive (C-I) to: [City] Commercial – Intensive (C-I), of certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Live Oak, Florida (open floor for public comment or questions)
M. Discussion with possible Council action, First reading of Ordinance 1454, an ordinance amending the future land use classification to twenty or fewer acres of land (small scale) on the Future Land Use Plan Map of the City of Live Oak Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to an application, CPA 20-5, by the property owner(s) and/or their authorized, designated representative, under the amendment procedures established in sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and article three of the land development regulations; providing for a change in the assigned future land use classification from: Industrial to: Residential Medium Density, on certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Live Oak, Florida (open floor for public comment or questions)
N. Discussion with possible Council action, Resolution 2020-20, a resolution providing for the amendment of the existing schedule of planning and zoning fees and charges for matters, applications, petitions and reviews pertaining to the City’s: Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations/Zoning, Annexation, Board of Adjustment, Appeals, Historic Preservation Agency, Development, and Associated Appendixes
Meeting adjournment